Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Twinkle, twinkle little star

Remember how Carl Sagan used to talk about the "billions and billions" of stars in the universe? Well, when you're talking about that many stars, one star more or less doesn't make much difference. But when there are only four stars -- as in the rating system used by The Grand Rapids Press -- one star can make all the difference in the world.

Last week, Circle Theatre opened a fantastic farce "See How They Run." If you read my review on Mlive, you know I gave it three stars -- which means it's a great show, recommended. But if you read the review in Sunday's Entertainment section of the printed Press, you saw only two stars, meaning an average show, take it or leave it. 

The printed review had a typo. A falling star, you might say. The Press will print a correction. Hopefully the stellar qualities of the show will shine through the words of the review like billions and billions of little stars. But just in case, be sure to spread the word. Yes, you should "See How They Run."

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