Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Just so you don't think I spend every day laughing and interviewing famous folks, today I spent a full day working for Habitat for Humanity. I don't have many building skills, but they always find something for me to do. Today we were working on rehabing an older home and I spent the morning scrapping away some excess foam insulation installed by the previous day's volunteers. Then as additional windows were installed, I got my turn at pumping in some yellow foam that tomorrow's crew will need to cut down to size. Boy, that stuff just explodes sometimes! I also did some caulking. The donated caulk was old,thick and hard to apply. I had balance the caulk gun on my shoulder and use two hands to pull the trigger. Sometimes it's good for me to spend a day really working instead of just laughing in an aisle seat!

All afternoon I pulled nails from some oak trim that was original to the house and will be reinstalled after the new wallboard is up. Talk about hard work. I was working in a cellar with two other women, Tracy and Angela, volunteers from Americorps. Some of those nails were so stubborn that we would exclaim Amen when one would finally come out. We had a regular Amen chorus going there. And we would laugh. Guess I just can't help it.

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